Friday, May 30, 2008

Can You Smeeeeeeeell What the Strip is Cooking??!

It's Vegas, baby!

In front of the Tropicana, I was mere yards away from famous professional wrestler turned movie star Dwayne Johnson (The Rock!) where he was shooting some movie which I can't remember. My mom and I each did a shot of Patron at Dick's Last Resort. She wanted to do Jose Cuervo, but the bartender laughed at her.

"What kind of Tequila do you have?"
"Cabo Wabo, Patron and some other crappy shit."
"Do you have Jose?"
"That's the crappy shit!"

He was kind of mean, but I think that's the restaurant where they're supposed to be jerks. It's okay, though, because since I'm a super awesome college graduate now, my feelings were not hurt.

I'm more advanced now. Please enjoy the slideshow!

1 comment:

Roland Hansen said...

Don't ya just love Vegas?!!!
BTW, Ethel M Chocolate Factory and Botonical Cactus Garden is just 15 minutes from the strip in Henderson.
If ever you get backto Vegas, you might enjoy some time at Ethel M. It's entire complex from chocolate factory to cactus gard to water reclamation plant really is very interesting.

Are you getting the feeling i've traveled the same places you've been hitting?

When your're in the San Jose area, you might want to visit Monterey and the surrounding areas. They're fantastic!

Say hello to your mom from me.