Friday, October 24, 2008

Donating Blood: ENTER IF YOU DARE!

I was 40 minutes late to my appointment to donate blood yesterday, and hadn't been to this location before, at the Cupertino Center.

"ENTER IF YOU DARE!" read yellow plastic tape stuck to the window. Immediately, I knew that this was where I needed to go to donate my blood. Whoever decorated the Cupertino office of Blood Centers of the Pacific for Halloween had some kind of a sense of humor.

I was disappointed to see no vampiric images splattered on the wall, but the irony of the Dia De Los Muertos theme was clear. Well played, Blood Centers of the Pacific.

I am taking the FE Exam tomorrow in hopes of someday becoming a "real" engineer. I hope that donating blood gives me the good karma I need to pass it :-)

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